Prozac Nation

I promise. I’ll be okay. And there’ a reason. I call this the crack house, where I come to score. Dr. Sterling is my dealer. It seems like everyone’ doctor is dealing this stuff now. Sometimes it feels like we’re all living in a Prozac nation. The United States of Depression. I don’t know who I am anymore. I have this personality. And it’s fucked up, but it’s me. And I see myself becoming this person who does the right thing... It’s okay. If only my life could be more like the movies. I want an angel to swoop down like he does to Jimmy Stewart... It’s a Wonderful Life and talk me out of suicide. I’ve always waited for that one moment of truth to set me free... ...and change my life forever. But he won’t come. It doesn’t happen that way. All the drugs, all the therapy... ...the fights, anger, guilt, Rafe, suicidal thoughts. All of that was part of some slow r
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