Made this Draconian edit to commemorate the flyby of Apophis today on March 5th 2021.
Though it zipped by safely km away (44 times the distance of the moon) the 370m asteroid will come within 31,200km of Earth on 2029, which in astronomical scale, a hair’s breadth. It will be the closest approach for an asteroid of its size in recorded history, even closer than geosynchronous communication satellites. We should be alright, bar miscalculations or unanticipated gravitational correction.
On my naked back
A dance of the nocturnal sun
The tall grass crawls around me
In adoration bowing
Can I find you in your dark?
Can you find me in your heart?
There’s a fallen statue in the wilderness
It has found its way to your dreams
Haunting the waking hours
In nights’ color
With eyes like rain
The shades beseech you
My love increases you
And summer freezes you into me
The cold fire suits you
A pale tortured blue blistering through
A lifeless l