NRO Whistleblower, Extraterrestrials & Inner Earth Beings - Interview with Daniel & Derek [Salter]
Daniel Salter worked for over 20 years with the US Air Force before joining the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) in 1968 due to his expertise in electronic communications and tracking UFO activity. He spent over ten years working with the NRO, where he was part of a team of covert operatives whose task was to persuade witnesses not to talk about their UFO-related experiences. After completing his NRO career, Salter decided to go public in 1997 with what he had learned.
One of his initial disclosure activities was communicating with others to discuss events at a Deep Underground Military Base near the town of Dulce, New Mexico, where a hierarchy of negative extraterrestrials ran operations that included human captives. The subsequent Dulce Files were eventually found by Salter’s two grandchildren, Daniel and Derek, who were investigating his personal files which they inherited after his death. The Dulce files reveal Salter participated in discussions about different extraterrestrial organizations competing with one another in influencing humanity’s evolution and controlling the Inner Earth.
The Dulce files also reveal that American Presidents since Grover Cleveland (1895-1899 & 1893-97), have visited Telos, the capital city of an Inner Earth Civilization deep under Mt Shasta to conduct secret negotiations. The files also reveal the nefarious role played by high level Freemasons who have surpassed the 33rd degree initiation level known to the general public. Freemasons who have achieved 33 degree levels interact with extraterrestrials and the Inner Earth. 33 degree freemasons have also played a significant role in fomenting civil and international conflict both above and under the planet’s surface, and reached agreements with the Draco Reptilian Empire to escape predicted cataclysmic surface events.
While the Dulce Files were written 26 years ago, their relevance to events unfolding today cannot be discounted due to many similarities in conditions and many of the same forces maneuvering behind the scenes. Daniel Salter’s career in the USAF and NRO provides a rare bird’s-eye view of extraterrestrial organizations, Inner Earth civilizations, and secret societies that are essential to learn about today as similar conditions can be found all over the planet.
Daniel and Derek have their own podcast (Shred the Veil) where they discuss their grandfather’s knowledge and other witness testimonies on UFOs/ET life.
My deep appreciation to Angelika Whitecliff for designing the banner for this interview and to Jas Marlin for the video editing. Michael Salla, Ph.D.
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:25 - Chapter 1 Investigate Daniel Salter’s (grandfather) covert service record
00:04:53 - Chapter 2 Shifting from NRO Operative to Disclosure
00:07:45 - Chapter 3 Nazi UFOs & agreements with Draco Reptlians
00:09:47 - Chapter 4 The Dulci Files
00:13:52 - Chapter 5 HQ Interplanetary Phenomenon
00:20:03 - Chapter 6 Groom Wars of 1975 and Dulce Wars of 1979
00:22:49 - Chapter 7 Different ET organization discussed in the Dulci Files
00:25:54 - Chapter 8 Draco and Orion Subterfuge to take over the inner earth.
00:28:46 - Chapter 9 US Presidents who have visited TELUS City
00:31:07 - Chapter 10 Once Upon a Time - Inner earthers and Surface Humanity ...
00:32:58 - Chpater 11 33 degree Freemasons, Draconians, agreements, wars …
00:41:55 - Chapter 12 UFOlogy Today
00:46:11 - Chapter 13 NRO, CIA, SSP, Space Force
00:50:12 - Chapter 14 The Cash-Landrum UFO incident
00:53:51 - CHapter 15 Integrating Religion & Science & the Urantia Book
00:58:06 - Chapter 16 In Terms of Today’s Controled Disclosure Naratives
01:06:34 - Chapter 17 What’s next in Daniel & Derek’s research, discovery and disclosure efforts
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