Two CME’s Headed For Earth - Geomagnetic Storm Watch - S1 Radiation Storm in Progress-Sept. 1. 2023.

Earth-Directed Explosions. A magnetic filament on the sun erupted Aug. 30th, opening a “canyon of fire“ in the sun’s northern hemisphere. As the canyon walls were thrown open, a CME billowed into space. NOAA’s model predicts that the CME will hit Earth on Sept. 3rd, likely causing G1 to G2-class geomagnetic storms. Long-Duration Flare and CME, September 1, 2023 A long duration M1.2 solar flare was observed during the early hours of September 1st around AR 3413 nearing the west limb. The event propelled an impressive coronal mass ejection (CME) into space and as a result, a minor (S1) radiation storm is currently in progress. Most of the ejected material appears to headed to the west, however the eastern edge does appear to be Earth directed. An impact past our planet may be possible within 48-72 hours. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras mixed with waning full Moonlight this weekend. Thanks for watching! #CME #solarstorm #Radiationstorm Images credit: NOAA/SWPC, AIA/SDO, SOHO/LASCO, NASA, Music credit: Broken Reality by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence () Source: Artist:
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