PageSpeed Insights Tutorial | Major factor of website Speed | Performance Audit of PageSpeed Insight

PageSpeed Insights (PSI) analyses a page’s user experience on mobile and desktop devices and makes recommendations for how to enhance it. PSI offers a page’s lab and field data. Because it is obtained in a controlled environment, lab data is important for troubleshooting. However, it is possible that it will not capture real-world bottlenecks. Field data is useful for collecting authentic, real-world user experience, but it provides fewer metrics. Performance Audits These checks ensure that your page is optimized for users to be able to see and interact with page content. A) Performance audit scoring 1. Lighthouse performance scoring B) Metrics 1. First Contentful Paint 2. Speed Index 3. Total Blocking Time 4. Largest Contentful Paint 5. Cumulative Layout Shift C) Opportunities 1. Eliminate render-blocking resources 2. Properly size images 3. Defer offscreen images 4. Minify CSS 5. Minify JavaScript 6. Remove unused CSS 7
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