How to Check Website Speed Test | PageSpeed Insight | GTMetrix | Why Website speed is Ranking Factor

The speed with which your website loads for users is referred to as website speed. This is based on an average of numerous page speeds – page speed, also known as page load time, refers to how long it takes for items on a page, such as text and graphics, to fully load. Even the smallest delay can turn off website visitors these days; in fact, research has shown that someone is likely to click away from your site if it takes more than 400 milliseconds — a literal blink of an eye — to load. Why is website speed important? As previously said, site speed can swiftly determine whether or not a user stays on your website. But it’s even more significant than that. When deciding which websites to present at the top of the search engine results page (SERP), search engines, particularly Google, place a high value on site speed. Sorry, but you can’t be number one if your website is too slow! Website speed optimisation improves search engine optimisation (SEO), thus it should no
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