#Jamuary2021- Day 18 - Korg Monologue (w/MS-70CDR, Flashback 2, Polara)

You know when you find an old jumper at the back of your wardrobe that you haven’t worn in ages and kinda forgot about, but it’s pretty chilly today so you throw it on and it’s effortlessly comfortable and familiar and feels like its adapted to fit you just right over time? That’s the Monologue. And this evening I just wanted to get comfy with this old friend. But I also wanted to add a load of reverb and delay which in this analogy blanket and a roaring fire? Yeah, nailed it. Anyway, the Zoom MS-70CDR is set to the MangledVerb algorithm, which is basically my favourite thing on this pedal (and I looked up how much it’d cost to get the “official“ Eventide version of this effect, and I’ll stick with the Zoom thanks). The signal continues on to the TC Flashback 2 which is running my personal TonePrint, and then on to the Digitech Polara on Plate mode. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
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