Wilanow palace. Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie, drones video, 1080p

If you have any questions or offers, please contact us: perk_sun@ Wilanów Palace or Wilanowski Palace (Polish: pałac w Wilanowie) is a royal palace located in the Wilanów district, Warsaw. Wilanów Palace survived the Poland’s partitions and both World Wars, and so serves as a reminder of the culture of the Polish state as it was before the misfortunes of the 18th century. Мой канал/ Our Channel: Лучшие выпуски от PERK SUN/Best PERK SUN Videos: Полеты дроном над Варшавой (Лазейки)/ Drone footage under Warsaw (Lazienki Park): Полеты дроном над Варшавой (Палац культуры и науки)/ Drone footage under Warsaw (PKiN): Полеты дроном над Сопотом/ Drone footage under Sopot: Полеты дроном над Торунем/ Drone footage under Torun: Facebook:
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