DC-4 Plane Crashes near Fairbanks, Alaska - LIVE Breaking News Coverage
A DC-4 plane has crashed near Fairbanks, Alaska. Get the latest on the plane crash near Fairbanks, Alaska in our LIVE breaking news coverage.
It is unclear how many people were aboard the DC-4 airplane that crashed in Alaska. Authorities said the plane crash-landed on the Tanana River. In this interactive live stream, host Steve Lookner brings you the newest breaking news and updates about the plane crash near Fairbanks, Alaska, and he’ll also read your comments and questions on the air!
Agenda-Free TV licenses live news videos from AFP and Reuters. Some of those videos may appear in this broadcast.
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5 months ago 00:05:26 1
Лучший витамин от артрита (и это НЕ витамин Д) 👀
5 months ago 00:04:24 1
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