kimchi paste

ingredients: 2 cups of water 2 tbsp glutinous rice flour 3 tbsp brown sugar ( white sugaR IS okay ) 1 cup garlic (before blender) 1 whole onion Medium size 2 tbsp ginger 1/2 cup fish sauce 1 1/2 cup chili flakes ( for mildspicy you can use 1 cup) procedure; combine water and glutinous flour on a pot mix well let it cook over medium heat for about 10 to 15 minutes until it starts to bubble. Add the sugar and cook 1 more minute, stirring. Remove from the heat and let it cool off completely. put the rest of the ingredients in a blender and mix it with the glutinous paste, and ready to use for kimchi making thank you for watching... subscribe here like my facebook page sugpo with mayonaise _ sundubu jjigae _ tinolang manok - gyoza - paksi
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