Adarvirog - Admarazula

Adarvirog - Admarazula (Single, 2020) * Websites: * * * Translation: Creatures in the woods danced a roundelay Selebrated Christmas, New Year is coming soon Mash flowed like river, bagpipes led to dance What happened next, you ask? That my story tells Creatures then decided to visit the village To party there, celebrate Christmas and rock out hard Wood gobling shouts, rising from the bed, warming up his bones “Why are we sitting on the stove? Let’s hustle!“ They walked a long way through the woods to the village Barely holding on their feet because of Mash They were going to party till the morning But suddenly they were met by villagers - I think, bro, it’s enough. We’re drunk - You’re right... Wood gobling walks around the village, devil comes
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