Lansing Public Library IDEA Lab Promo Video (Read description please)

INCOMING RANT: I am no longer employed by the Lansing Public Library, and am no longer affiliated with them. They decided that I was no longer useful and let me go. The management had changed and not for the better (at least that seems to be the opinions of multiple employees right now). This was the last video I did for them, in an effort to promote the IDEA Lab where I worked at. The director decided the video was not good enough for what she envisioned and told us to start from square I WAS FINE with because most of the B-roll footage could be salvaged anyway. Of course I wasn’t too keen on a video we worked ALL day on to basically be told start over, and everyone who worked on it wasn’t happy either, some even declaring it was bullshit (which it was). Apparently this video couldn’t make the cut for an official promo video because we didn’t show enough diversity in it. . Its fine. I mean there were other reasons too that were alot more val
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