The Lansing Public Library Friends Book Sale Promo

This was a work production that I took from the reins of the Outreach manager. We were filming it to promote our Book Sales from our friends att he basically a group of volunteers that come in and assist us with operations. The new outreach manager wanted to do a video for it, but for various reasons, couldn’t work on it. I asked to do it in his stead and managed to get it done before the first sale. UNFORTUNATELY, due to lack of proper communication, I wasn’t able to get the video sent to him when it was needed. I had it done and emailed to him, but he never looked at the email and so we missed the first Book sale. This annoyed me heavily, but in the end, we got it out, and its a big hit in our community facebook. is just another work film. Feel free to skip it if you’re not into this. This is just me building a portfolio; not really anything MMD related. Though if you do watch it, please tell me if you liked it and how I honestly appreciate feedb
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