FabLabs in Disaster Relief – Challenges & Solutions for Nepal, Gaza, Djibouti, Kenya, Philippines

“The second of two standalone workshops by this group will share challenges each of the FabLabs face and seek help from the workshop about solutions to overcome them. United by being FabLabs in difficult places, and places that face significant ongoing or frequent disasters, the challenges they face are however common to many FabLabs. Can you help them help others? Challenges faced will cover setting up and running FabLabs, cultural or social barriers, outreach to different groups (including students, professionals, and different types of communities), public perception of FabLabs, co-operation with local companies and running public FabLabs within the constraints of universities. We will end this workshop by proposing solutions for all the challenges shared… so please come prepared to share your ideas, experiences and materials to help these group! “
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