harvest bumpers | mobile games | 2022

#harvestbumpers #mobilegames #2022 harvest bumpers mobile games 2022 Harvest Bumpers is a mobile project that appeared on Google Play. It has vertical gameplay and cartoonish graphics. The game tells about the settlement of people, which was attacked by a dragon and destroyed the established peace. You have to choose a boy or a girl, and then ride a sheep to go through levels and different biomes. What you’ll love the most about Harvest Bumpers is the physics and combat system, as your victory depends on how quickly you push small and large enemies into the abyss. All this is done by your sheep, you just sit on it and control the movement. Fortunately or unfortunately, the player cannot fall off the floating islands no matter how hard they try. Harvest Bumpers has elements from roguelikes - after passing one more stage, you open the chest and choose 1 of 3 random upgrades. The description says that you will still be raising hundreds of animals (or maybe encountering them thanks to
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