#History #Christian #Catholic
This video explores the history behind ancient beliefs and their modern impact. Your view of the past and present will never be the same after seeing how interconnected the wicked mystery religion truly is and how far occult orders and organizations will go to try and usurp the place of God in the hearts of humanity. Though evil endures, the truth of God’s Word never fails.
Topics include:
- Nimrod and his many names
- Babylon and stellar worship
- The spread of Babylonian Mysticism
- The Role of Emperor Constantine
- Foundations of the Catholic Church
- Catholicism’s doctrine vs Scripture
- The Jesuits and their Origins
- The Reformations’ Big Secret
- The Black & White Nobility
- Mysticism and the Modern Church
📱 ODYSEE: @probablyalexandra:6?view=content
👉Spiritual Warfare (video):
👉The Theory of Evolution, How Mysticism Became Science (video):
👉An Inconvenient Reality (video):
👉An Inconvenient History (video):
World Encyclopedia on Saturnalia (video):
The Plot Against the Church (pdf):
Constantine’s Vision:
The Apostles Creed:
Communion of Saints Lesson: 8 Communion of ?t=1547510050000
City of Heliopolis: #:~:text=Once an ancient city, Heliopolis,the “House of Ra”
The Atlantic 1911 article:
Catholic Catechisms 1406-1414: #:~:text=1413 By the consecration the,soul and his divinity
Faith of Millions (pdf):
Council of Trent: Sixth Session:
The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima:
15 Promises of Mary for Praying the Rosary:
Isis Unveiled (pdf):
Thomas Paine (pdf):
Hegel and Hermeticism:
Jonathan Roumie:
The Rosicrucian Order (video):
The Oath:
Napoleon Quote: écits_de_la_Captivité_de_l_Empereur_N/y7gPAAAAQAAJ?gbpv=1
Franklin Graham on CNN (video):
The Kirkwall Scroll:
What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples, Manly P. Hall (pdf):
Billy Graham and Robert Schuller (video):
Graham on Infant Baptism:
Catholic’s on Conversion:
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