Jonathan Haidt: Porn and social media are killing childhood

📰 Subscribe to UnHerd today at: UnHerd’s Flo Read meets Jonathan Haidt to discuss the dangers of modern technology for younger generations. Watch it on the UnHerd website: Listen to the podcast: Since 2012, youth mental health across the West has steadily declined. Jonathan Haidt is an American social psychologist, co-author of bestseller The Coddling of the American Mind and author of the new book The Anxious Generation. His theory is simple: the introduction of smartphones to children around 2011 accelerated the crisis of social media addiction. He joins UnHerd’s Florence Read to discuss parenting, porn and the age of anxiety. Follow UnHerd on social media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: @unherdtv // TIMECODES // #UnHerd #socialmedia #anxiety
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