Toshihiko Koga teaches Ko-uchi-gari method [English subtitles] 古賀稔彦が教える小内刈【#13】JUDO

小内刈 / Ko-uchi-gari 相四つ / Aiyotsu (Same grip used by both person) 古賀稔彦 / Toshihiko Koga The Ko-uchi-gari consists of reaping the opponent’s heel in a scooping motion, in order to topple him. This Waza can also be applied while either advancing toward, or retreating from, the opponent. When applied from an advancing posture, Tori (Player executing technique) destabilizes Tori (Player executing technique) upper body by using his Tsurite (Lifting hand) to push Tori (Player executing technique) jaw upward while at the same time wringing Tori (Player executing technique) sleeve with his Hikite (Pulling hand), keeping his elbow close to his side. Tori (Player executing technique) then quickly reaps Uke (Player receiving opponent’s attack) leg. When performed from a retreating posture, this Waza must be executed at the precise moment that Uke (Player receiving opponent’s attack) advances. While wringing his Tsurite (Lifting hand) and Hikite (Pulling hand) grips, Tori (Player executing technique) pulls Uke (Player receiving opponent’s attack) forward to destabilize him, then, as Uke (Player receiving opponent’s attack) steps forward, Tori (Player executing technique) reaps Uke (Player receiving opponent’s attack) advanced leg in a scooping motion at the precise moment that the foot touches the floor. The leg reap is more easily performed by engaging the opponent’s heel with the arch of the foot, and reaping the foot in the direction of its toes. Related Videos [Kenka yotsu] Toshihiko Koga teaches Ko-uchi-gari [English subtitles] 古賀稔彦が教える小内刈 ケンカ四つ【#18】JUDO Recommended Playlist Judo Techniques Taught by Toshihiko Koga / 古賀稔彦が教える柔道技 #JUDO #柔道
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