Ruby Conf 12 - DRb vs. RabbitMQ Showdown by Davy Stevenson
Our enterprise product has used DRb as a communication layer for a number of years now. With the growth in popularity of EventMachine, it is time for us to evaluate whether a switch is right. This talk will discuss our current DRb setup, our process for comparing DRb and EventMachine and our comparison results, the decision on whether to switch, and either our reasoning to stay with DRb or how the resulting switch to EventMachine was handled.
8 months ago 00:03:21 1
Ruby Meetup в Воронеже | IT conference Meta/conf
3 years ago 00:01:38 1
17 сентября Прими участие в Мастермайнд в рамках онлайн конференции
5 years ago 00:00:59 31
6 years ago 00:44:19 1
Aloha Ruby Conf 2012 Refactoring from Good to Great by Ben Orenstein
10 years ago 00:57:08 1
Ruby Conf 12 - Ruby Vs. The World by Matt Aimonetti
10 years ago 00:46:11 1
Ruby Conf 12 - Xiki: the Rubyfied Next-Generation Shell by Craig Muth
11 years ago 00:39:04 53
LoneStarRuby Conf 2013 - Elixir: Power of Erlang, Joy of Ruby by Dave Thomas
11 years ago 00:36:13 12
Ruby Conf 12 - DRb vs. RabbitMQ Showdown by Davy Stevenson
11 years ago 00:53:22 39
Ruby Conf 12 - Y Not- Adventures in Functional Programming by Jim Weirich
11 years ago 00:36:14 12
Burlington Ruby Conf 2013 Real-Time Rails by Brian Cardarella