Blackpool, Lancashire.
GV. Blackpool, tower in background, on a wet day. GV. The Imperial Hotel, Conservative Party headquarters during the Conference. CU. Name “Imperial“. SV. Pan Mr Enoch Powell leaving the hotel. SV. Edward Du Cann, Party Chairman stepping into car, pouring with rain. SCU. Quentin Hogg (Lord Hailsham) wearing cap and putting on Mac. He decides to walk in the rain. SV. Towards and pan, Mr Edward Heath, leader of the Conservative Party, leaves the hotel and gets into car.
GV. The Winter Gardens Pavilion, & AS. SV. Pan Mr Selwyn Lloyd arriving at the Winter Garden. SV. Pan, Mr Duncan Sandys arriving. SV. Pan, Sir Gerald Nabarro arriving. GV. Interior, Conference in progress, & LV. & LV. AS. Edward Heath speaking on platform. Applause starts on this scene. SV. Mr McLeod applauding. AS. Mr Edward Heath speaking. GV. All the delegates standing, applauding Heath.
SV. Edward Heath having tea with Roger Pemberton of Colwyn Bay, the youngest representative aged 15 years. CU. Roger Pembert