মহিষাসুর মর্দিনী | Original Mahalaya DD Bangla | মহালয়া | Mahishasura Mardini

Listen to the Original Mahalaya - মহালয়া 2004 | মহিষাসুর মর্দিনী | Sanjukta Banerjee Mahalaya Mahishasura Mardini Birendra Krishna Bhadra DD Bangla Broadcast: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ The significance of Mahalaya - Never Told Before on Internet ** The auspicious day of Mahalaya holds a special significance for Bengalis as well as it is the beginning of Durga Puja festival. ** It is believed that Goddess Durga along with her family of Ganesha, Laxmi, Saraswati, and Kartikeya starts Her journey to Earth on this day. Mahalaya is here and the countdown for Durga Puja commences for the year. The day marks the end of Pitru Paksha and the beginning of Devi Paksha. A big part of Mahalaya is to remember departed souls b
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