Püssi Tuhamägi / Коксовая гора в Пюсси

The Püssi shale power plant began operations in 1937. Initially, the ashes were carried on horseback, and then a plateau about 10 meters high was formed on the banks of the Purtse River. With the advent of railway carriages, the mountain began to gain height rapidly. Large-scale maps provide some clarity. When the mountain was leveled in the fall of 2004 (along the concrete edge of the former ash-tree bridge over the river), the relative height of the mountain was 61 meters. The smaller Püssi Hill, which has a relative height of 32 meters, was also demolished. Old maps show that earlier the absolute height of the hill was 101 meters. ——————————————————————— Püssi põlevkivil baseeruv elektrijaam alustas tööd 1937. aastal. Esialgu transporditi tuhka ka hobustega ja tol ajal kujunes Purtse jõe kaldale umbes 10 meetri kõrgune platoo. Kui võeti kasutusele rööbasteel liikuvad vagonetid, hakkas tuhamägi kiiresti kõrgust koguma. Mõningast selgust toovad suuremõõtkavalised kaardid. 2004. aasta sügisel mäge nive
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