This 100% Gets You WIDER!

Ready to grow wider & rounder shoulders? Backed By Science Program is LIVE!: FULL GYM 2.0: PPL PROGRAM: FULL GYM PROGRAM: 30-DAY GARAGE PROGRAM: I’ve spent the last 6 months in the lab (which is just my way of saying I’ve been working out in my garage and reading a ton of case studies) with the goal to optimize my training even more. What I’ve found is no matter how long you’ve been training for, there is always a way to get more growth out of every exercise. In this video, we tear apart the lateral raises and give a step-by-step breakdown of how they should be done based on how the origin of your deltoid is segmented. If you’ve been doing traditional lateral raises directly out to the side then you’re not targeting the most important segments of your delt that actually give you width. #bouldershoulders #delts #shoulderworkout
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