Newsbriefs (1945)

Full title reads: “NEWSBRIEFS“. HIROHITO VISITS NAGASAKI AFTER ATOMIC BOMB Nagasaki, Japan. Aerial overhead shot of the Nagasaki, Japan. Atom Bomb bursting. Aerial view of the pall of smoke and radioactivity. Emperor Hirohito with followers inspecting smashed city. Emperor Hirohito inspecting plans of the old city. TOJO’S ATTEMPTED SUICIDE FOILED Yokohama, Japan. Close up shot of blood transfusion of a GI. for Japanese Prime Minister General Tojo. Several shots of General Tojo lying in bed after attempt of suicide. BROKEN SEA WALLS OF WALCHEREN SEALED Walcheren Island, Holland (Netherlands). Long shot of the broken sea walls of Walcheren Island. Sections of the Mulberry Harbour being inserted in the sea wall. British soldiers carrying sandbags. Soldiers building the sea wall. Water passing through the gap in the sea wall. LONDON DOCK STRIKE - MILITARY UNLOADS PERISHABLE CARGOES London. Crowd of London docks strikers being addressed by Tom Powell, M.P. Tom Powell on top of car addressing c
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