Freestyle Tricktip 58: Crossfoot Impossible to Casper

When the legendary “Freestylecomic“ Charlie Holcomb (seriously - give him a follow: ) found out that I was going to do a tricktip for the crossfoot impossible to casper, he said - and I quote - “This has to be the most consistently worst done trick in all of freestyle, right?“ He might be right. I’m by no means the best in the world at this trick, but I like to think I can do it well enough to make sure you guys learn how to do it properly. This is a long one with a lot more discussion on board setup, deck shapes and general geometry than most tricktips, so you’re in for a fun ride. WOOOOO The in-depth breakdown and photo sequence can be found on the website at for those who find stills and text easier to follow. Need a new board? Want a dedicated freestyle setup to make this easier? Head over to and treat yourself
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