Festive Poinsettia CAS card | Top tips for adding details with ink blending

Hi, it’s Erica back on the ASD YouTube channel and today I’m sharing some of my best tips on how to add details to ink blending. It’s quite a long video but I am hoping you will find it helpful seeing the difference you can achieve by tweaking your technique just a little. I have only used the Festive Poinsettias layering stencils for this card, and I love this technique for getting a no-line colouring look in a fraction of the time! If you want to add more sparkle and shine, you could always heat emboss the outline stamp on top, however if you are crunched for time, I honestly do not think you need it. This is such a stunning set, it stands on its own. The products I have used are linked down below, with compensated affiliate links, that do not ever cost you anything extra. The company it’s linked to pay me a small commission directly, as a thank you for sending you their way. Thank you for supporting me by using these links, I really appreciate it. Festive Poinset
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