Marxist-influenced historians and the supporters of totalitarian central planning have often repeated the conspiracy theory that Hitler was funded into power by a secret cabal of capitalists. Their “evidence“ for this nonsense is dubious at best, and despite the fact that historian Henry Ashby Turner exposed the lie in 1985, and despite the fact that the majority of historians now begruggingly accept the facts, “socialists“ are still pushing this narrative, as is Wikipedia. So today, we’re going to look at the “evidence“ and see exactly why the Marxist narrative is wrong once again.
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Citations are listed at the bottom of the video as I speak.
Barkai, A. “Nazi Economics: Ideology, Theory, and Policy.” Yale University Press, 1990.
Bel, G. “Against the Mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930s Germany.” PDF Universitat de Barcelona.
Evans, R. “The Coming of the Third Reich.” Penguin Books, Kindle 2004.
Evans, R. “The Third Reich in Power, 1933 - 1939.” Penguin Books, Kindle 2006.
James, H. “The Nazi Dictatorship and the Deutsche Bank.” Cambridge University Press 2004.
Jeffreys, D. “Hell’s Cartel: IG Farben and the making of Hitler’s War Machine.” Metropolitan Books 2008. eISBN 9781466833296
Marx, K. & Engels, F. “Manifesto of the Communist Party.“ PDF 1969, original 1848.
Shirer, W. “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.” Pan Books, 1964.
Turner, H. “German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler.” Oxford University Press 1985.
Full list of all my sources
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History isn’t as boring as some people think, and my goal is to get people talking about it. I also want to dispel the myths and distortions that ruin our perception of the past by asking a simple question - “But is this really the case?”. I have a 2:1 Degree in History and a passion for early 20th Century conflicts (mainly WW2). I’m therefore approaching this like I would an academic essay. Lots of sources, quotes, references and so on. Only the truth will do.Show more