Strictly WipEout Mix | VIDEO GAME MUSIC DJ SET Special #01

Featuring an interview with the original WipEout composer, CoLD SToRAGE. Turn on subtitles to check it out. Timestamps with track IDs and more info bellow. ———————————————————————- This video gave me so much work I almost died! Luckily it will be worth it tho. This one features some of my favorite music from the WipEout series of video games. It features music from The Chemical Brothers, Aphex Twin, Kraftwerk, Sasha, Royksopp and much more, plus of course, the one and only CoLD SToRAGE, who was also kind enough to give me an interview where he talked about his process for composing for the game and the impact WipEout had, not only on the world’s club scene, but also on people’s lives. The full interview is availiable for patrons over at I couldn’t include all of the songs I love from the series so please don’t be mad at me if your favorite doesn’t show up! Creating this mix was kinda like solving a rubik’s cube (i do deeply regret not adding we have explo
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