Michel CORRETTE - Noel Provencal (Anne-Isabelle de Parcevaux, organ)

Noël Provençal, from Premier Livre de Noëls, by Michel CORRETTE (1707-1795). Michel Corrette was a French organist and composer. At the time of publication of his Premier Livre de Noëls, in 1741, he was organist of the jesuit church in Paris, Saint-Louis. He stayed there until the expulsion of the Jesuits out of France (1762). He was a great music teacher and wrotes many methods for Harpsicord, violin, flute, oboe, etc. HAPPY NEW YEAR ! BONNE ET HEUREUSE ANNEE ! Organist : Anne-Isabelle de Parcevaux Organ : Notre-Dame des Vertus Church, Aubervilliers, FRANCE. Le Pescheur (1635)/Clicquot ou Dallery (end of XVIIIe century), Chauvin (1990) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 💰SUPPORT MY CHANNEL / HELP ME TO RECORD MORE VIDEOS : THANK YOU very much ! -------------------------------------------
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