tinyML Asia 2021 Video Poster: Plant Growth and LAI Estimation using quantized Embedded Regression..

tinyML Asia 2021 Video Poster Plant Growth and LAI Estimation using quantized Embedded Regression models for high throughput phenotyping Dhruv Sheth, Intern, Edge Impulse Due to the influence of climate change, and due to its unpredictable nature, the majority of agricultural crops have been affected in terms of production and maintenance. Hybrid and cost-effective crops are making their way into the market, but monitoring factors that affect the increase in yield of these crops, and conditions favorable for growth have to be manually monitored and structured to yield high throughput. Farmers are showing the transition from traditional means to hydroponic systems for growing annual and perennial crops. These crop arrays possess growth patterns that depend on environmental growth conditions in the hydroponic units. Semi-autonomous systems which monitor this growth may prove to be beneficial, reduce costs and maintenance efforts, and also predict future yield beforehand to get an idea of how th
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