Dr. Gordon Neufeld on our upcoming Intensive I online course

The main objective of Intensive I: Making Sense of Kids is to make sense of the children in our care. Intervention must be based on insight if it is to transform children from inside out and be long lasting in its effects. The aim is do to more than simply modify behaviour but rather to unlock the processes of inner change. By removing the impediments to the innate maturational processes, we can lift the ceiling on functioning and move closer to realizing the child`s developmental potential, whatever that may be. Some problems cannot be fixed but the stuckness surrounding the problem can still be addressed. The goal of this course is to equip the participants with the conceptual tools to make sense of kids and to provide the instruments of intervention that will bring lasting change. Intensive I is our flagship course, and is organized around the constructs of maturation and stuckness. It provides a grounding in the conceptual foundations of Dr. Neufeld’s formulation of the attachment-based development
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