Bishop Williamson Full speech in english 15th may 2022. Churchs, Satan, Politics, Putin, World Order

Bishop Richard Williamson, British, 82 years old, gave a speech in Poland on 15th May 2022. He speaks about many things past, present and future. Some people are interested about Putin, Ukraine, Europe, USA, War, Politics, One World Order, but also says many religious things about God, Evil, Satan, Roman Christians, the conversion of India, China and Russia, future developments and even the Anti-Christ arrival. This is my third video about this Bishop Richard Williamson. His message is brilliant, taking care of the people, before his death, trying to transmit all his knowledge to humankind. He is Outstanding!!! Listen and pay attention. In my channel you will find two short versions of this video, one in english, and the other in spanish, with the written speech and translation, at the best of my knowledge. The final Screen is a picture of the Christ of Mena, also known as the Christ of the Good Death, venerated in Spain.
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