Travis Orbin - Periphery Playalongs - “Absolomb“ & “Insomnia“

Pumpin’ ’em out. Both versions of these tunes are from the Bulb Soundclick, which is what I used to write my parts many years prior. Interestingly, I had an updated--what must’ve been--’transitional’ chart for an arrangement of “Absolomb“; somewhere between the original and what made the cut for ’Periphery III’. This chart covered up until the end of the Bulb version and had a few extra sections, but I couldn’t find a version of this anywhere online or in my e-mail, so the Bulb version it shall be. You’ll hear ’artifacts’ of the drums on the MP3s peeking through here and there. I used the same gear as the Ow/ANM/LE/NEM vids, so check them out for specifics. Notes: drum intro - I wrote this as part of my original draft when I ’Orbinated’ the parts; considering how succinct it is, it contains all sorts of wackiness, including a 16th septuplet starting on the 8th upbeat 1:54 - 2:02, 2:15 - 2:24 - slight pattern aberration 4:36 -
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