Dave And Dusty Over And Under The Counter (1947)

Titles read: “DAVE AND DUSTY“ (aka OVER AND UNDER THE COUNTER). London. Small boy Dave and his dog Dusty walk into a grocer’s shop. A woman is being served by a lady assistant at the counter. Dave asks for soap flakes and matches and the woman shakes her head, saying she doesn’t have any. The other customer hands over her ration book. While she is being served Dave rigs up a periscope to see under the counter, in case the woman is lying. He clips a mirror to a stick with a bulldog clip and holds it over the counter but there are no goods being hidden. The assistant is reaching up to a high shelf and doesn’t notice. When she turns around Dave pulls the pole back quickly so she doesn’t see. Note: good footage of a late 1940s grocery shop. Big box of Rakusen’s Delicious Matzos on the counter. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES. FOR
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