LoRa ESP8266 Arduino control Relay with feedback | Lora Project with Circuit using RYLR896 module
In this Lora project, I have shown how to make LoRa ESP8266 Arduino control relay with real-time feedback using the RYLR896 LoRa module. Explained both the transmitter and receiving LoRa circuit and source code and how to configure the LoRa module with AT commands.
PCBA from $0 (Free Setup, Free Stencil)
Download PCB Gerber file for this NodeMCU ESP8266 project
I have covered the following topic in this Arduino Lora project:
00:30 Demonstrate this ESP8266 Arduino Lora home automation project
02:41 Required components for the LoRa project
03:22 Explained Transmitter Arduino Lora circuit
04:03 Explained Receiving NodeMCU Lora circuit
06:16 Configure LoRa with AT commands
10:13 Explained the source codes for this LoRA project
13:00 Connecting the LoRa module with Arduino and ESP8266
13:59 Control high voltage appliances with LoRa
LoRa module Purchase Link:
Official website:
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