Nomadic situation news: Are Narges, Mr. Shopkeeper and Zainab family doing well?

Today, we have received new news about the situation of the nomadic people of the remote village. According to the new information, the general situation of the family of Narges, Mr. Shopkeeper, Zainab, Tayyaba and other nomads is quite good and there is no danger to them. However, unfortunately, the condition of Sohrab, Zainab’s wife, is reported to be critical. During the recent conflict, a bullet hit him in the throat and he is now hospitalized. The doctors have not yet guaranteed his full recovery and we are always worried about his condition. On the other hand, 36 other nomads were injured in this conflict. Fortunately, none of them have been active in the YouTube space, but they are in dire need of humanitarian aid. If you also want to support the affected families and loved ones, you can send your donations through our channel. The Khabar Ashairi Association team will try with all their might to deliver your help to the needy families. We request you to follow our ch
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