Atriohm - Shesharka

Subscribe: Atriohm - 20 Years Journey Of Discovery, releases 2023-12-22, Parvati Records Get it: Atriohm new EP is here! And is a Celebration EP: Sashe, the Macedonian wizard just reaches his 20th Anniversary since he started to produce music and his 17th Anniversary in Parvati Records. 2003 was the year when the project Atriohm was created ( at that tiem with his brother Leo Tengri, and his first release in Parvati was the No Name Channels which appeared in 2006 in the V/A Psy Stories 2. Since then, here at Parvati Records, we have had the honour and the pleasure to release the milestone music album UKALEN, several tracks in compilations and 3 EPs. This latest work - 20 Years Journey Of Discovery - summon up his research in Psychedelic Trance expressed in musical story telling. We have no more words for it….we let the music of Atriohm speaks for itself! Also check out: Follow us: Website: Facebook: Soundcloud: Beatport: Parvati Records is an independent record label started in Denmark during the summer 2000 by Dj Giuseppe with the wish to contribute actively to the growth of the Psychedelic-trance scene. our goal is to discover and present quality music to party people all around the world. Our artists Roster include Giuseppe, Jahbo, Arjuna, Onkel Dunkel, Atriohm, Audiofools, Derango, Ectogasmics, Nobot, Farebi Jalebi, Confo, Mussy Moody, Red Eye Jedi, Ulvae, Petran, Gappeq, Claw, Elowinz, Lurker, Gu, Kerlivin, Tengri, Vlastur, Weirdos, Third Eye of Monkey and more. Our V/A serieses include Psychedelically Yours, Psy Stories, Parvatrip etc. #Psytrance #PsychedelicTrance #Trance
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