Netanyahu ’America Won’t Get in Our ’s Easily Moved’
Please read English Transcript HERE
Bibi:...The Arabs are currently focusing on a war of terror and they think it will break us. The main thing, first of all, is to hit them. Not just one blow, but blows that are so painful that the price will be too heavy to be borne. The price is not too heavy to be borne, now. A broad attack on the Palestinian Authority. To bring them to the point of being afraid that everything is collapsing...
Woman: Wait a moment, but then the world will say “how come you’re conquering again?“
Netanyahu: the world won’t say a thing. The world will say we’re defending.
Woman: Aren’t you afraid of the world, Bibi?
Netanyahu: Especially today, with America. I know what America is. America is something that can easily be moved. Moved to the right direction.
Child: They say they’re for us, but, it’s like...
Netanyahu: They won’t get in our way. They won’t get in our way.
Child: On the other hand, if we do some something, then they...
Netanyahu: So let’s say they say
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