C9 Sean Gares #IceBucketChallenge (Response to NiP GeT_RiGhT)
I’ve accepted the ice bucket challenge which was received from Christopher “GeT_RiGhT“ Alesund, and have also made a donation to help the cause. For my three nominations, I’ve chosen Richard “Xizt“ Landström, Wiktor “TaZ“ Wojtas, and Kory “semphis“ Friesen. :)
Please keep in mind, this video was created to raise awareness for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), which is frequently called “Lou Gehrig’s Disease“. In addition to my vid
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11 years ago 00:00:36 1.3K
C9 Sean Gares #IceBucketChallenge (Response to NiP GeT_RiGhT)