Cockatoo releases rat from trap

What is best way to get rid of rats when you live on the edge of a National Park? Can’t use poisons because of the owls & pythons. Can’t use snap traps as it is outside; other wildlife could get caught. Trap & release: cockies see the trap, & release. Once rat in trap, how to humanely kill, not release? Footage from my friend Sabina Ziolkowski. Cocky also throws her crocs away from the door after it’s been knocking at the door for a while & she hasn’t come out. When a flock of lorikeets comes over, the cockatoos take to the surrounding trees as if to not let the lorikeets know that there is food. Once the lorikeets are gone they’ll come back down again. @Birdlifeoz @BigCityBirds @ParrotOfTheDay #abcmyphoto
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