【董敏笛子】Romance across the Waters|柔情笛曲《在水一方》,一位佳人遥立中央

♫『 蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。所谓伊人,在水一方。 』 欢迎按赞和分享,未来会为各位带来更多好听的笛曲来陪伴你们! Hello Chinese music fans, I hope everyone enjoys this MV cover. Let me know down the comments below what song you would like to hear next! ★Taobao淘宝:芈雅乐器 TaoBao Dizi Store: ★Youtube: Dong Min Dizi ★Wechat: ★bilibili:敏乐幽笛 ★Weibo:@董敏笛子 ★Facebook: Dongmin Dizi ★Instagram:Dongmin Dizi ★Email: meyamusicsydney@ ★抖音/小红书:董敏笛子 喜欢的朋友欢迎分享及订阅本频道 Youtube: Dongmindizi 感谢你们! Thank you for listening Please share and subscribe to this channel Thank you! #在水一方#邓丽君 #Dizimusic #Chinesemusicalinstruments
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