BIRTHPLACE (2004) / human scale

BIRTHPLACE / the Opening Ceremony of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games conceived, visualised and directed by DIMITRIS PAPAIOANNOU ten years on a blog celebrating our memories of the ceremony with new documentary material by ATHINA RACHEL TSANGARI — BIRTHPLACE (2004) / fragments documentary video by ATHINA RACHEL TSANGARI — BIRTHPLACE / creative team conceived, visualised and directed by DIMITRIS PAPAIOANNOU co-creation, music concept creator YORGOS KOUMENDAKIS set designer LILI PEZANOU lighting designer & director ELEFTHERIA DEKO choreographer ANGELIKI STELLATOU costume designer SOPHIA KOKOSALAKI video director & producer ATHINA RACHEL TSANGARI ceremonies texts LINA NIKOLAKOPOULOU pyrotechnic design CHRISTOPHE BERTHONNEAU clepsydra segment—visual concept & direction ANGELOS MENDIS coordinator of the creative—associate director TINA PAPANIKOLAOU full credits here: — BIRTHPLACE / documen
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