빅스(VIXX) ’기적(ETERNITY)’ MV 1 million views celebration

Reveal of the special video for the celebration of one million views of VIXX 4th single album title “ETERNITY“ music video Thank you very much for all your support and we are now revealing VIXX members Polaroid photo from the debut to current pictures and the commentary video of the members. 빅스 4th 싱글앨범 타이틀곡 ’기적 (ETERNITY)’ 뮤직비디오 100만뷰 달성 기념 스페셜 영상 대공개! 많은 관심과 성원을 보내주신 팬 여러분들께 감사드리며, 그동안 공개하지 않았던, 빅스 멤버들의 데뷔부터 현재까지의 폴
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