The documentary film “Tashakor“ is dedicated to the search for missing Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan in 1979-1989. The director of the film is Evgeny Barkhanov.
A downed Soviet pilot in 1987 in the skies of Afghanistan, miraculously survives, passes a note from captivity with a request to help him return to his homeland. In the wake of this story, an expedition was organized to Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The authors of the investigation managed to interview one of the most famous commanders of the Afghan Mujahideen, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, to get unique video footage of conversations in the Dushman camps with captured Soviet soldiers. Also in the film are interviews of the parents of those who did not return home, went missing in Afghanistan.
The film was created with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Interdepartmental Commission on Prisoners of War, Internees and Missing Persons, accountable to the President of the Russian Federation.
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