Piston token updates #PtcPat giving a basic understanding how to work with the tax claims ( my style

Yoooo my fellow mony makers!! It has been a while In this video i show what i do to make sure that i can eat from my stack while still growing my crypto on moving forward I will be airdropping in a little bit as first i am going to the dentist This is my basic point of view how to work with the tax they implemented Lots of love #PtcPat #DieStrijderDieNietStilKanStaan #TheFlyingDutchman #DareToDeFi PIGGY BANK DELIVERING GREAT FUNDS WITH HOLD BONUSSES THE LINK OF MY FATHER IN LAW TO ELEVATE PASS UP TO %3 A WEEK  DIRECT COMMISSION 22 LEVELS %1.8 2 AIRDROPS WEEKLY AND %1 A DAY PASSIVE MONEY MULTIPLYING WITH PISTON STAKER PROTOCOL ON HARMONY ONE CHAIN
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