Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material.
Title reads: “Fishing Boom - Salmon Canning New Australian Industry“. Australian voiceovered newsreel material.
Eden, New South Wales, Australia.
Long shot of a fishing trawler under way at sea. Trawl nets being dragged through water. Fishermen hauling nets aboard trawler. Seagulls flying around haul of fish. Close up shot of shark swimming through water. Close up shot of trawl of fish slung aboard. Long shot of trawler entering harbour. Fishermen unloading salmon, pan as they work. Long shot of fishermen unloading salmon. Pan with basket as it swings, truck to shore.
Long shot of canning factory. Long shot of scaling shed. Close up shot of man’s hands using electric scaler. Several shots of men using electric scalers. Man beheading salmon. Man gutting fish. Close up shot of salmon being beheaded. Man chopping salmon into lengths. Close up shot, pan, salmon being chopped into lengths. Pan with salmon sliding down chute. Hose washing sa
1 view
9 months ago 00:15:51 1
Минтай готовлю только так ! Пальчики оближешь ! Pollock is the only way I cook !
9 months ago 01:17:07 1
Alaska Seas 1954 Robert Ryan, Jan Sterling & Brian Keith
1 year ago 00:14:31 1
ЩУКУ солю и вялю только так ! 2 способа! Простой и быстрый рецепт ! Dried pike, pike salmon two ways
1 year ago 00:14:50 1
Как завялить ЛЕЩа за сутки ? Солим рыбу в СОЕВОМ соусе | Рецепт для любой рыбы ! Fish in SOY SAUCE
1 year ago 00:03:21 1
В 2 раза меньше майонеза! Легкий праздничный салат на Новый год (Слоеный салат с горбушей)