Wiener Eistraum 2015 Rathausplatz Wien | The Vienna Ice Dream

Wiener Eistraum 2015 Rathausplatz Wien | The Vienna Ice Dream Eröffnung | Opening Show 23 January Great fun on ice in front of the City Hall Vienna. The Vi­en­na Ice Dream awes its vis­i­tors by trans­form­ing an ice skat­ing rink into an ice land­scape. Since the Vi­en­na Ice Dream 2005, the dream path run­ning through the ro­man­ti­cal­ly lit Rathaus park has con­nect­ed the two large ice sur­faces. Since 1996, the size of the ice sur­faces has in­creased from 1,800 m2 to now over 7,000 m2. And that isn
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