@violentene - Break the Silence (JG Outsider Remix) Out Now on @Strict_Tempo #synthpop #darkwave
Introducing Violentene whose track “Break the Silence” remixed by JG Outsider is now up to stream and download as one of the first preview tracks for the new Strict Tempo compilation album, up for pre-order now on Bandcamp. ✨
Violentene is a Canadian synth duo who released their 4th EP in November 2023 - “Human Drama” featuring the single “Break The Silence” - now remixed by the illustrious JG Outsider!
With sweeping nods to widescreen synthwave, darkwave, and moody ‘80s aesthetics, vocalist Mvrijo wraps her unique vocal sweetness over the entire affair, to complement Roland’s synth layers, in songs drenched in mood and dance-worthy beats, while still feeling introspective and reflective.
Coming off the success of 2021s “Otherworld” EP, the five tracks on Human Drama feel deeper and more fully realized than ever - a sharp laser-focus on their own brand of ethereal, beat-driven, moody and mysterious synthpop, with the ghosts of previous postpunk - dreampop influence never lurking too far away.
#synthpop #synthwave #darkwave #coldwave #electronicrock #darkalternative #stricttempo
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