Every Episode is FEPO (For. Entertainment. Purposes. Only)!
FAIR USE COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The Copyright Laws of the United States acknowledge the concept of “fair use“ when it comes to copyrighted information. The video content on this YouTube channel may include copyrighted works that were not explicitly authorized by the copyright holder(s). However, I firmly believe that these works are protected by federal law and fall under the fair use doctrine for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, parody, or research. Therefore, I do not consider it to be a copyright infringement. The sole objective of all films is limited to criticism, remark, news reporting, teaching, parody, or study. I assert that this action qualifies as a justifiable utilization of copyrighted content, as stipulated in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. However, out of respect for one another, if you are a copyright holder and have any concerns about our use of your content, please contact me so we can discuss it.