FUEL Series 30 Min Full Body Workout - PHA Training | Day 4

Upper body, lower body, upper body and so on! We will welcome a longer duration between revisiting compound upper and lower body movements due to the formatting. A great way to promote being able to lift slightly heavier per exercise even though technically rest is on the shorter side.   The timer will be on for supersets with the first exercise being 40 seconds, followed then by the next exercise for 30 seconds. We then have 20 seconds rest in-between each superset!   We are alternating between upper body and lower body supersets so you will have come across this format during the EPIC Programs if you have completed some of those! The term is known as Peripheral Heart Action (PHA) and there are various ways of incorporating this technique into your training. I usually use it to allow for more volume due to alternating so essentially within this workout, we hit chest and triceps for 70 seconds, but we then have 3 minutes before we hit it again!   I have always had a passion
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